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The Pose Method

Many beginners or ill-informed runners suffer from avertable pain and what they think is a “lack” of energy. Admit it, you too as a reader probably thought running was a sequence of legs movements that require your leg muscles to aid in pushing your body forward. This is the reason why there are so many injuries. Many runners believe that in order to go faster they must slam their feet down harder and push off with more muscle force to speed up. This puts a lot of pressure on the ankles and the knee joints. The Pose Method was introduced mainly to decrease the amount of injuries and preserve energy for the long run.




The Pose:

The technique first begins with the pose stance. Balance your right foot with a bent knee and weight supported on the BALL of your foot. (Much like dancing, where balancing and spinning requires that your put your weight on the balls of your feet for a good pivot). The Left leg should be relaxed and pulled from UNDER the body with the left foot about side by side with the right calf.

If you notice, your body should form the shape of an “S” from your waist down to your foot (much like the hind leg of a dog). The “S” shape maximizes the spring effect of the muscles and is the primed position for the motion.


The movement begins when the Pose stance is ruptured. Lean forward at your right ankle (the foot with the weight) and allow gravity to pull down your left leg to keep from falling. Note: make sure your left leg weight lands on the ball of your left foot. Repeat the motion as necessary ‘till you hit your set finish line.


You’ve probably realized that the Pose Method of running is a mind exercise as well as a leg workout and fat burner; you have to remind yourself that it’s all about pulling up the hind leg than forcefully slamming down your fore leg. This reduces the pressure on your foot because now you’re not putting in the extra thrust and push to get your body moving. It also keeps injuries away from your knee joints because the pose method (if done correctly) does not allow your front foot to strike heel first. In addition, because your feet never stray far from your hips, in order to run faster you must increase the cadence.

If done correctly, you should feel like a stealth cat with quick and light touches on the ground as you scurry forward. Or as I like to describe it: it feels like you’re running on clouds…or hot coal 😉



{ 3 comments… add one }
  • muskaan May 13, 2010, 2:37 pm


  • koklok March 15, 2016, 11:46 pm

    I think that heel striking is the best way to run but only if your foot is moving back toward your body when it touches the ground.

  • annonymous January 1, 2017, 12:13 pm


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